I wrote this post weeks ago and forgot to actually POST it... silly me. This was conference weekend, the first weekend of October.
My itinerary:
5:00 pm: Call Clarissa to ask if I can borrow her Garmin for my lonely ride to San Diego. All my other plans had fallen through, but I wasn't going to let that keep me from going. My kids and I were going no matter what.
5:10 pm: Clarissa calls back and asks if she can come with me! So exciting!
3:00 pm: Finally get on the road on the way to San Diego
9:00 pm: Arrive ready to party! All the kids, but Katie are asleep. We stay up and talk/craft/etc.
11:00 pm: Susan wakes up and wants to sleep by Lacy.
12ish: We are all in bed, sweating to death because of the dreaded heat and no a/c!
8:00ish am: Get up and ready for school for jr and shopping for the rest of us
9:30 am: Take B to school and go thrift store shopping
11:00 am: go to Hodads (an awesome burger place in OB) then walk over to the beach

3:00 pm: Get home and get JR from school, get our craft on!
5:30 pm: Make a wok dinner with rice, chicken, black beans, tomatoes, corn... turns out really yummy with sour cream, guacamole, and on cheesy tortillas (I'm pretty proud of this random dinner)
8:00 pm: Go to super fun craft store, Beverly's, and to Mardells to get more crafting supplies
9:45 pm: Brian Sr. is home and we enjoy his company while we craft the night away
1:30 am: GO TO BED!
9:00 am: I am the last to wake up, and I wake up to conference beign played on the computer in the room I was sleeping in. It was the perfect way to wake up to, beautiful music being played by the MOTAB and bacon and pancakes cooking in the kitchen.
9:30 am: Enjoy crafting while listening to much inspiration
11:00 am: Head to McD's and Walmart to let the kids get some energy out before another session of conference
1:30 pm: Start the 2nd session of conference (dont worry, we started from the start!) and more crafting
5:00 pm: house is clean, crafts put away and Chantal off the get the baby sitter
5:45 pm: Off to our sisters date while the men are at priesthood session
- the rest of the night: Shopping at an awesome purse store and get a cute purse for myself and an even cuter one for Chantal's birthday
Dinner at Olive Garden with Mardell
Walk and dance in the rain
Switch clothes in the car and head to the beach

Take some pictures, splash in the shallow, low tide, laugh and enjoy sister time (and miss Charmaine like crazy!)
loose the keys (my guess is in the low tide, when I unzipped my jacket for a more flattering picture)
break into my car like the superwoman that I am (look for blog about this to come!)
laugh like crazy!
11:00 pm: come home to sleeping kids and celebrate the victory of grand theft auto (of my own car)
rest of the night: craft, what else!
1:00 am: GO TO BED!!
9:00 am: Wake up to conference again
craft, but not crafts that will make us money (thats work!)
11:00 am: picnic at a beautiful park, Lacy throws HUGE tantrum when its time to leave!
1:30 pm: Call Daddy to get Lacy calm so we can watch the last session of conference in peace.
5:00 pm: another awesome dinner- FRITO PLATE (an Ollerton specialty)
8:00 pm: Head to the Wengers for some awesome company
10:00pm: Kids in bed and we craft until I fall asleep practically in Chantals lap on the couch
1:30 am (I think, I was a little out of it!): GO TO BED!!
9:00 am: Wake up just in the nick of time to get B off to school and ready to be a guest at Katie's preschool
9:30 am: Preschool with the kiddos
12 noon: Lunch and window shopping at Seaport Village
2:00 pm: Head on home and forget formula for Hugo... I scream "Snap the Puff, Man!" Chantal and I laugh for hours wondering where the heck that came from!
3:00 pm: Clarissa, Chantal and the older kids go to the beach while I stay home and get the car packed and ready to go home.
5:00ish: On the road home :(
11:00 pm: Home Sweet Home to my wonderful Husband who I missed dearly. I love him so much and am so grateful that he lets me do fun things like spur-of-the-moment trips to see my sister