Hugo had his first day of school EVER! He was so excited, he actually cried when we left the "meet the teacher" open house because he wanted to stay. When we got there on his first official day, he ran in so fast he almost forgot to say goodbye. He was adorable, he said he loved his first day!! He asks to go every morning, I think he doesn't like that Lacy gets to go to school every day but he only goes twice a week. It's ok buddy, slow down!

His teacher sent out some adorable pictures of the class, this was the only one where he was semi looking at the camera. What a stud!

While I'm on the subject of Hugo, I have to tell you a funny story about him. The other night I was really needing some ice, so I grabbed my buddy and we went for a quick run. On the way home it was pretty silent in the car for a couple minutes when all of the sudden, Hugo burst out,
I laughed first, then said "sure, why not."
"Alright, here is your guitar"
... then I promptly get hit in the back of the head with one of his sandals...
"Now give me some good rock and roll music"
so I turn on the radio and some super popular "pop" song was on, he was disgusted...
so I flip through the stations until some other song he is pleased with comes on... don't remember what it was, it was on 103.9 though...
"Perfect, now rock out on your guitar"...
He is such a riot. I don't know where he comes up with this stuff. The funniest part to me was that he was so particular about the music. He found the Iron Man theme song on Shawn's ipod one day and it has since then become his favorite song. Black Sabbath???? Who's child are you?He is so hardcore...