This one is all vintage looking. It was hard to get this one bright enough, but I think it is still adorable.
And of corse we had to get a cute shot of her spinning in action...
On a different note, Lacy said something really cute today. I asked her this morning what she wanted to do and she said she would give me clues and I had to guess.
Clue #1: She has a pretty house
Clue #2: She's a grandma
Clue #3: She has a nice big couch
Clue #4: She has a dad who lives with her
Clue #5: She has a big TV
Lacy: Now what do I want to do?
Me: Sounds like you want to go to Grandma's house!
If we cant go to Grandma's house, this is what she wants to do...
Clue #1: She doesn't live far
Clue #1: She doesn't live far
Clue #2: She loves Lacy
Clue #3: Lacy loves her
Clue #4: She has a pretty house
Clue #5: She's a person
Lacy: What else do I want to do?
Lacy: What else do I want to do?
Me: Sounds like you want to go to Mimi's house!
Unfortunately we didnt really do either, but I thought it was super cute anyway. How she came up with the clues and made me guess. She's a crack up!!!