Monday, April 20, 2009

Lacy Lacy

I was at my parents house after her dance class today and decided to grab my dads camera and snap a couple shots of Lacy in her new dance outfit. Plus, then I can brag about the adorable skirt I made her. I'm pretty proud of it, just don't look to close. I basically just made up the pattern. I was bummed when I bought the wrong fabric for the cute petti-skirts Chantal and I have been wanting to make, but I am not one to waste good material. I sat down one day and decided to sew away!
This one is all vintage looking. It was hard to get this one bright enough, but I think it is still adorable.

She loves being in front of the camera, what a hamm!!
I had to take a close up... I am most proud of the ruffle I made. I got a little creative, but after about a hundred pins, it seemed to have worked.

And of corse we had to get a cute shot of her spinning in action...
On a different note, Lacy said something really cute today. I asked her this morning what she wanted to do and she said she would give me clues and I had to guess.
Clue #1: She has a pretty house
Clue #2: She's a grandma
Clue #3: She has a nice big couch
Clue #4: She has a dad who lives with her
Clue #5: She has a big TV
Lacy: Now what do I want to do?
Me: Sounds like you want to go to Grandma's house!
If we cant go to Grandma's house, this is what she wants to do...

Clue #1: She doesn't live far
Clue #2: She loves Lacy
Clue #3: Lacy loves her
Clue #4: She has a pretty house
Clue #5: She's a person

Lacy: What else do I want to do?
Me: Sounds like you want to go to Mimi's house!
Unfortunately we didnt really do either, but I thought it was super cute anyway. How she came up with the clues and made me guess. She's a crack up!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Help :(

I have a confession...
I am a huge dumb prego with a new mad addiction to Dr. Pepper. I know its bad and the caffeine is no good for baby or for my sleep.

I know Caffeine FREE Dr. Pepper is sold in AZ... but WHERE??

Help, anyone. Tell me where!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Very Talented Sister- and a giveaway!

Check this out, and be sure to check out her etsy shop. She can do some truly amazing things and she is having an awesome giveaway to get her name out there.

copied from her blog:

In honor of my new Etsy shop (and to generate more traffic and advertising) I am going to give away $100 worth of services to one lucky winner. To enter this contest, you will need to go and visit my shop and tell me what you would do with your $100. To earn more entries, you can:

1. Place the Lucky Blue button in your sidebar (just grab the code from my sidebar).
2. Favorite me on Etsy
3. Blog about Lucky Blue and this giveaway with a link back to THIS post.

So that's a total of 4 entries you can get. Please leave a new comment for each entry. (That's easier for me.)
The contest will end next Monday night - April 6th - at midnight. Come Tuesday (or Wednesday at the latest) I will announce the winner. Make sure I have a way to contact you, either by visiting your blog or through email.
I'm so excited! This will be so much fun! And get this, the first Monday of every month, I will be giving away something different to one of my followers here or someone who heart's me on Etsy. They won't all be this big though. So, get going!