Friday, June 25, 2010

On Wednesday we had a super-fun boat trip with some awesome friends. The kids absolutely loved it, almost as much as we did! The lake is one of my most FAVORITE things about Arizona. (everything except the fish!!!) This time I took my first stab at wake surfing- it was SOOO FUN! Hugo got a hold of my phone this morning at deleted my video app which deleted all my video proof from the day. I did have this one saved with my pictures so here is one. Its my first attempt so its a little shaky.

I wish I could post the time Shawn was surfing and I hopped on the board with him, or Lacy being handed to Shawn on the surfboard and her freaking out, or Issac getting attacked by Shawn... or Shawn doing some wicked awesome moves on the wakeboard. Anyhow, thats a whole different story (me loosing my videos... boooo hoo)

Thanks so much Randal, Reed and Sara for inviting us to chill on your boat, it was an absolute blast!


Steve + Brindy Arnett said...

your awesome jenny!! i cant believe that was your first time! that looks like so much fun and thats so cool that the kids get to enjoy it with you ;)

Susan Jo Ollerton Fuller said...

Wow Jenny you did really well!