Friday, December 16, 2011

No fun

I have a bazillion things to do to get ready for Christmas and I'm missing Lacy, Jack, Roxy and Shawn but there is no where I would rather be than here next to my buddy Hugo
He has been complaining of a sore neck and ear the last couple days so Shawn took him to Urgent Care last night around dinner. I wasn't really happy with what they found (or didn't find I should say) We put him to bed and he was back up around 12:30 not feeling well. Then again at 3, not able to move his neck or head really and he was just burning up, even with IBProufen and Tylenol. So I woke Shawn up to let him know we were on our way to the hospital.
After lots of blood work, tests and a CT Scan they have found out that he has a Retropharyngeal abscess in the back of his throat, behind his right tonsil. The muscles all around the spine and neck are swollen, and his right tonsil is really big! We are super lucky we went to the hospital because we caught it early. We talked to a surgeon today and will meet with him again in the morning. He wants him to get a good 24 hours of medication and then probably surgery tomorrow. We will see what happens in the morning. The dr says it is pretty serious and he will be in the hospital for 5 to 6 days at least. We are hoping and praying for the best. My dad and Shawn gave him a blessing. He is really acting like he is in a lot of pain. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. We will keep you updated.
Here is a link to what he has, . Don't know how accurate wikepedia is, but its pretty much exactly as the surgeon described it.

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