Sunday, January 11, 2009

Some of my Favorite Men!

3 of my most favorite men had birthdays the last couple weeks.

Most Recently was my Daddy-o's birthday. He turned 53 on January 9th!
He has truly taught me all I need to know and given me all the tools to be successful in life. He has led and is leading the greatest example of a happy marriage, a successful home and a christlike attitude. I love him dearly and am so thankful for everything he has given ME over the past 25 years and I know will continually give me for all eternity.

My Grandpa turned 83 on New Years Day.
He is such an awesome grandpa. I am so lucky to get to see him all the time. He picked up Hugo the other day and called him his "boy". It touched my heart so much because I like to think of myself as grandpas "girl".
And my most favorite of favorites is my dear hubby who turned 27 on December 28th. He has truly brought me more happiness than I ever thought possible. I could go on for hours and hours about how much I love him and everything he has done for me.

I found this "HUNKY HUSBAND" survey on someone elses blog, so I'm going to copy it!
What is his name? Shawn Patrick
How long have you been married? 5 1/2 wonderful years
How long did you date? 3ish years
How old is he? 27
Where did he serve his mission? Philippines Naga
Who eats more? Shawn wins hands down (and I'm pregnant:)
Who said I love you first? I think it was him.. but I dont remember, that was a loooong time ago
Who is taller? He is 8 inches taller!
Who sings better? I love to hear Shawn sing- I'd say he is way better but I'm sure he would say I am, he's sweet like that
Who is smarter? Depends what subject we're talking about... but I think its pretty close
Whose temper is worse? We are both sooo laid back, but prob mine (sad to say, but I have more of a temper since I've had kids)
Who does the laundry? Mostly I do
Who does the dishes? I unload he loads... but he does it all on sundays
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are laying down looking at the ceiling, I'm on the right side
Who pays the bills? Me
Who mows the lawn? Whenever we have grass, he does
Who cooks dinner? Me or our moms :)
Who drives when you are together? Always Shawn
Who is more stubborn? Shawn for how sweet and calm and laid back he is suprisingly stubborn
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Shawn-he's perfect
Whose parents do you see the most? We are so lucky our parents live only a mile away from eachother and we see them both at least once a week. Its divided pretty evenly
Who proposed? Shawn
Who has more friends? We have always had the same circle of friends so we dont really have any that are just one of ours, so we're tied!
Who has more siblings? We both have 4... but I guess he wins because all of his are married and only 3 of mine are married (we really need to work on that)
Who wears the pants in the family? We each get a leg... I'd give them to him though anytime he wants them (unless I really really want them :)
I am so lucky to be surrounded of such wonderful men!


Susan Jo Ollerton Fuller said...

Some of my favorite men also!

mimi said...

i agree with susan ... they are some of the best men ... especially with december birthdays.