I have fond memories of growing up across the street from the elementary school and playing in the water anytime they irrigated the fields. I know it is probably super gross and un-sanitary, but we were just a bunch of hillbillies and it was one of the few fun things to do outside in 130 degree summer weather.
Plus my parents didn't mind. My dad actually one summer taught me and my brother to skim-board in the irrigation. He took us to Home Depot to buy the wood, paint, sealers, etc. Cut the wood to the right shape and size. Let us each paint our own board and then sealed it and let it set for a few days. I think he even warped the wood just right so it had some good curves and everything. Then he took us one Saturday afternoon over to Mariposa's ball fields when they were irrigated and taught us the tricks of the trade to skim boarding. It was so much fun and my brother and I spent the rest of the summer and summers for years to come skim-boarding any chance we got. 

This is a picture of my dad back in the day (who knows when) skim-boarding on the beach in CA. He was a total hottie and definitely a pro. Perfect person to teach the skill!!
Well the other day my parents were irrigating their back yard and I couldn't resist letting my kids get down to their skivvies and play in the water. I had fun flashbacks when Shawn ran out to their barn and cut a piece of wood to size and tried teaching Lacy to skim-board. It was sooo cute and I loved every minute of it. We also got out the old snow toys, dusted them off and had fun putting the kids on the disks and spinning them around in the shallow grassy water. (If you ask me, that's a true AZ native)

I was glad my dads super nice camera was near by so I actually have some pictures to prove we are still here and having fun!
I'm glad you guys had fun - but, eww. I can't believe I ever used to play in irrigation. In fact, I'm pretty sure I never did.
I totally did this too when I was little! I remember catching tons of frogs too and keeping them in a big bucket next to our house until my mom would make us take them all back! Oh memories :) It looks like we were cupcake making twins today! What kind did you make!?
thats awesome! We used to play in our irrigation all the time! GOOD TIMES! :)
How fun is that! I totally did it too. We don't worry about being sanitary until we have kids and then it's almost too late. They just eat the dirt anyway. :) Thanks for the comment. They are both super fun! I'm glad Michael is growing out of the newborn stage. It's more fun when they can smile! How are you? I read your post about Shawn losing his job.:( If we hear of anything we will definitely let you know!
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