Roxy Marie Brown

I have been such a bad blogger lately but seeing as this is my only form of journaling I currently have, I really need to write a few details before they all slip my mind.
We went into the hospital on Friday the 19th at about 1 in the afternoon. I had a plan to be induced at 3 but I wasn't feeling so well. After we got the kids squared away and a yummy lunch, we headed on down. They got me all ready and hooked up pretty fast. We all took our guesses, and away we went.
It took a while before she decided to make her entrance. Once I got my epidural I tried to get some rest but about every 30 minutes some crazy alarms would go off in my room because I guess my blood pressure kept on dropping too low which made her heart rate drop. I had to be given some bp medicine through the iv.. no fun! I was getting so anxious and nervous, it was so scary. I could not rest at all, I kept throwing up and I guess on top of it all, she kept on turning the wrong way. Finally after hours and hours of being a 5, I turned uncomfortably on my left side, with a giant kidney bean looking ball helping out, she turned and bam! I was a ten and ready to push! Only 4 rounds of pushes later, she came out looking sideways. I guess she was still turned to the side, but she came out easily! It was 2:34 in the morning, she weighed 8pounds 7ounces and was 22 inches long.
She is super long and super skinny now. She has actually lost a lot of weight, which is no good. We are having to give her lots of formula to try and fatten her up and we have to go in for regular weight checks now until she gets back up to birth weight. Other than that though, she is a perfect little baby. She sleeps pretty well, is content most of the day. She loves to be held, she doesn't get too bothered by the crazy commotion of her 3 siblings. She is aware, and just such a joy.
Having 4 is still overwhelming, we are still getting used to it all. I have yet to leave the house for more than a couple hours... just give me a couple more weeks.
some random pictures, in a random order... these are all from Shawns and my camera phone... so don't expect professional...

Lacy's first time holding her. She is SO EXCITED to have a sister!!!
Hooray! Roxy is so precious just like her siblings!
CONGRATS Jenny!!! She is sooo adorable! :) and you are like the cutest preggo girl. i cant believe how great you looked right before delivering! so happy for your family!
Congratulations Jenny!! She is so precious! Good luck handling 4 kiddos (I can't even imagine)! :)
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