Okay I DO pride myself on being quite the bargain shopper. I have always loved cutting cupons and finding deals. But I have never been much of a THRIFTER.
(there is a BIG difference)
Last Saturday I went with Clarissa around town stopping at different Garage Sale's and Goodwills. And the Saturday before that at Goodwill's with Andrea. I have learned to really loved making someone else's trash, my treasure. I found some really cool stuff and have already done some fun things with them. I'll post "after" pictures soon of some stuff I have been working on, so just watch out!
All this for UNDER $20!!!An awesome picnic table, a kitchen table and chair (that is my new crafting table and we think was also once my in-laws table) some cool jars and box's, a couple of frames, a night stand, a cool iron vanity chair, a jewelry box, a mini cake plate, some jewelry, just to name a few.
Plus (more not pictured)... Clarissa got a really cool old vintage camera for Charmaine, a cute shelf- the kind you usually put above a toilet, and I got a HUGE bag of crafting stuff (thread, batting, fabric, glue... and more!)

I'm pretty proud of my thrifting skills- I'm awesome.
P.S. "Was it worth it" is a total rip-off of Charmaines thrifting posts. I thought I would name it the same just to show her how much I love her and how much I want to be like her!!! :) I'm trying!