My sweet little boy is 2!!! We had such a fun birthday with him yesterday. He was excited all day and kept trying to put two fingers up to say "I'm two!" We had family over for dinner, presents and cake, and Hugo loved every minute of if (Lacy on the other hand, did not like Hugo getting all the attention and gifts, she had a couple melt-downs during the day)
(I LOVE this banner I made!!!)
Hugo is such a sweet boy. He had a rough time coming into this world and had to fight to live those first few moments. I am so glad he is such a trooper and fought through them so he could be in our family everyday. He loves to give hugs and kisses, he loves truck and cars more than anything and he has the absolute sweetest voice. He is strikingly handsome and turns heads wherever he goes. He loves his grandparents (especially great Grandpa), his aunts and uncles and his cousins so much! He loves being home, he is by far my best sleeper. From the time he could walk, he would go strait to bed when it was time and hold his hands up with his blankie until we put him in. He loves being outside and doing anything at all with his Daddy. He is my most reverent at prayer time and he makes my heart melt every time he says, "Mommy, I wove woo" I am so happy he is part of our family, he is the sweetest, cutest little boy I have ever seen. (plus Jack, of course)
Happy Birthday baby boy, Mommy and Daddy love you more than you will ever know! Thanks for being you!!

Hugo is such a sweet boy. He had a rough time coming into this world and had to fight to live those first few moments. I am so glad he is such a trooper and fought through them so he could be in our family everyday. He loves to give hugs and kisses, he loves truck and cars more than anything and he has the absolute sweetest voice. He is strikingly handsome and turns heads wherever he goes. He loves his grandparents (especially great Grandpa), his aunts and uncles and his cousins so much! He loves being home, he is by far my best sleeper. From the time he could walk, he would go strait to bed when it was time and hold his hands up with his blankie until we put him in. He loves being outside and doing anything at all with his Daddy. He is my most reverent at prayer time and he makes my heart melt every time he says, "Mommy, I wove woo" I am so happy he is part of our family, he is the sweetest, cutest little boy I have ever seen. (plus Jack, of course)

I love Hugo too!
Ahhh... Hugo sounds like the sweetest little boy! You are such a good mom Jenny! Happy Birthday to Hugo!
I love him. Happy Birthday little man!
He is such a sweet boy - I'm glad he had a great birthday:)
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