Remember me telling you about Lacy and Carson on the first day of Preschool? Well the drama has continued. They are on and off and bff's and boyfriend girlfriend. They have a love/hate relationship, much more like siblings than anything else. They decided they didn't want to get
married anymore and then the other day Carson said in the car, "Hey Lacy, maybe we could work it and and get married after all." She said, "ya maybe, we'll see." They are so hilarious. We just found out they are moving to dobson ranch, which is only a couple miles east of us so I'm sure we will still see them but I am sooo sad! They have been the best neighbors and I am sad that Carson isn't going to go to Fuller with Lacy anymore. Kristin has been my visiting teacher since I have moved into the ward and she has been the best one I have ever had. She has done so much for me, more than she'll ever know, and I love her and and am so grateful for her and all she has done. Thanks Kristin!! On Wednesday as Carson was getting out of the car he looks over at Lacy and says, "Bye ya little brat" and with out a moments hesitation and with a little giggle she responds right back at him, "Bye ya little monster!" It was the most adorable and almost horrifying thing I've seen the two of them do. So in love!! Hehe...

HAHA oh my will you have your hands full when lacy's in high school!:)
hahahaha... That's a pretty dang cute story. "Bye ya little brat." "By ya little monster." hahahahaha!
THat is soo funny and very cute! Alex is all about boyfriends- it kills me! She was pretending to be kissing a boy today- she asked me what I would do if I saw her kissing a boy and I said I would scream and ground her forever. She wanted to know if it would be the same reaction when she was 13...I told her it wouldn't change until she was 18 and she seemed okay with that. Love ya!
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