I just took this picture of Hugo and I LOVE it! He is sound asleep. What do you think he is dreaming about? I think he is a ninja flying through the air kung-fuing someone. He is such a stud that little boy!!

The other picture is obviously of me. I dyed my hair black! It wasn't supposed to be this dark!! It was called "Nutmeg" and it was just a darkish brown. I decided I look much better with a little red, and not so dark. I'm crazy, I know. Thats what I get for being cheap and not getting it done professionally (I miss Sheri!)
I like it Jenny. I still think you are beautiful. I love the picture of Hugo.
Whatever sister you are crazy! I love your hair black! But you know me I love dark dark hair! Very sexy:) That pic of Hugo is so cute!
I think your hair looks good.. you have very pretty hair! But if you ever want your hair done let me know. I don't work at a salon anymore but I still do hair from my house.
Your hair looks good! It will fade too! You have been busy. The wreaths look great!
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