6:30 pm: left AZ after work to head on out.
12:00 am: finally arived after too many bathroom breaks
2:00 am: go to bed after chatting for a long time (kids were asleep when we got there, made for an easy night of putting kids to bed :)
Too early: Kids get up
10:00: Wake up to yummy pancakes that Brian has made. He's famous for his delicious breakfasts- Your lucky to stay there just to get his breakfasts!
12:00pmish: Head out to the San Diego Zoo. SOOO much fun- kids loved it, was a bit hot towards the end but we had so much fun.

4:00 pm: Little nap with Hugo
6:00 pm: Babysitter arrives!!!!
6:30 pm: Yummy ribs dinner with BC and Patrick and Chaz... with no kids!
8:00 ish: Shopping at the mexican stores on a little errand
9:00 pm: Patrick and Chaz park their car so we can go get desert!
9:50 pm: We finally get a parking spot
9:55 pm: The yummiest sundae EVER at Ghiradelli's. Oh so yummy and of corse some really fun company!

10:30 pm: Come home to a clean house and ALL the kids asleep in their bed. The best babysitter ever! Another easy night of putting kids to bed!
11:30 pm: Brian and Shawn lay down to watch the office and Chantal and I get our craft on!! She taught me how to make bias tape, how to sew aprons, lots of little sewing tricks and tips. We had some awesome conversation and had sooo much fun! I miss my sister sooo much! I can hardly wait until Brian graduates and we can hang out more. Shes my BFF for sure!
4:00am: Chantal and I decide its time to go to bed, Brian and Shawn have been asleep for a long time!

Too Early: Kids get up- Shawn gets up with the kids because he is the best husband and uncle in the WORLD!!
10:30-11:00: The rest of the adults get up, eat breakfast, get the kids ready, get ourselves ready
1:00 pm: Head out to church
2:15 pm: The Browns come home from church (minus Lacy) becaue Hugo is super fussy. He falls asleep the minute we get in the car, Shawn gets a nice nap and I clean up a little bit.
5:00pm: Awesome dinner out on the patio
6:30pm: Head out to La Jolla to see the seals on the beach. It was so fun and we saw some seals. The kids all loved it!
9:00pm: Head over to Sea World to see the fireworks. We didn't go inside Sea World, we got even closer to right where the set them off. We had popcorn and Hot chocolate. So fun, the kids all loved it, Hugo was adorable, a little scared (they were SOOOO loud, you could feel them in your chest) but he let me hold him and he just pressed his cheek to mine and watched in awe!

11:30pm: We get home home and the kids are asleep!!! This trip was the easiest ever in putting kids to bed. We had so much fun playing with Susan and chatting (Susan was the only one still awake)
12:15am: Office comes on and Chantal and I get our craft on one more time!
2:15am: Off to bed!
Too early: Kids get up. Hugo has fussed all night!
10:00am: Head to the beach in Coronado! The kids were all so cute. Lacy had a blast on the boogey boards. Hugo got to touch the ocean for the first time. He wasn't sure about it at first, but he got a little better after a few times. I dont think he felt very good though. He spent most of the time up on the towels playing with his toys and eating snacks.

3:00pm: Get home and do white-trash showers in the back yard. Soap and a hose... kids and Shawn and I all get soaped, hair washed. The whole bit. I'm sure the neighbors think we are total hilbillies.
3:30pm: Chantal and I get our craft on.
6:00pm: Head on home- greatly against my will. I DID NOT want to leave!
11:30pm: We arrive to our home in Tempe and you guessed it, the kids were asleep. It was the best little get away I've had in a long, long time. I'm going to go back in October and nobody can stop me!
Thanks Jones' for letting us come and for being such awesome hosts, it was way super fun!
Your photo layouts are adorable, you did them so fast! I love how you wrote up everything in a time line.
It's crazy how well the kids went to bed this trip. That is usually such a hard time!
Your kids are so adorable! Looks like you guys had some fun in the Cali sun! I wish I would of known I would of met you guys somewhere! I don't know how you keep up with kids and do all those cute crafts! You're amazing!!!
So do you use those photo layouts for your scrapbooks? Or do you just do that for the blog? Getting your craft on with Chantal looks like it was so much fun.
California is the best. Ever. I am so glad you had fun! I want to get my craft on with you and Chantal! Even if that sounds weird. :)
I am soooooo jealous! I always thought I was everyones BFF
All of your pictures turned out SO CUTE, Jenny! California was so fun!
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